Announcements & Special Events

Town Hall
The Pocola Town Hall is located at 204 S. Pocola Blvd. Pocola, OK. The following is a general list but may not be all-inclusive of the services that may be provided or obtained at the Pocola Town Hall

Pocola Police Department
The Pocola PD is located at 202 S. Pocola Blvd. Pocola, OK. The Police Department is comprised of 13 Police Officers, 1 Code Enforcement/Animal Control Officer, & 5 dispatchers. We are here to serve and protect our community with the highest regard of honesty, integrity, professionalism, respect, honor, & excellence. We are dedicated to providing a safe and secure community while treating all people with dignity and respect.

Public Works Department
The Sewer Department/Wastewater Treatment Plant is located at 807 N. Oliver Pocola, OK. The Town Wastewater Treatment Plant was updated/constructed in 2019 to meet all the future needs and demands for the Town of Pocola.

Pocola Fire Department
The Pocola Fire Department has two locations serving our community. Central Station is located at 100 S. Pocola Blvd. Pocola, OK and the South Station is located at 4103 S. Pocola Blvd. Pocola, OK. The Pocola Fire Department is a Volunteer Fire Department comprised of 19 Firefighters, including 6 Fire Officers. The Pocola Fire Department maintains a Class 3 ISO rating. Our department also houses the FEMA District 5 decontamination trailer as well as the only Swift Water Rescue Boat in our district. We also have both certified swift water rescue and ground crew personnel.

Board of Trustees
The Pocola Board of Trustees is comprised of 5 members each elected for 4 yr. terms. The Board of Trustees meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.

Employment Opportunities
The Town of Pocola is an equal-opportunity employer and provider. If you are interested in a career the Town of Pocola you may apply in the following forms:
Pocola Police Department - Apply in Person at the Pocola PD to receive an employment application packet.
Pocola Town Hall & Public Works – Apply in Person at the Pocola Town Hall to receive an application.
Pocola Fire Department – Apply in Person at the Pocola Town Hall to receive an application. Qualified Applicants will be contacted by the Fire Chief once a year or as needed and be given a physical agility test and a general knowledge test. Applicants will be graded on a point system and qualified applicants will be added to our hiring list and hired on an as-needed basis.

Pocola Municipal Court
Pocola Municipal Court is held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Citation Information can be obtained by calling (918)436-2388

Pocola Water Department
The Pocola Water Department is actually Rural Water District # 2 and is a County entity. Rural Water Dist. # 2 is governed by the Town of Pocola. They have their own Water Board and their meetings are held at the Water Dept. located at 107 N. Pocola Blvd. Pocola, OK the 1st Monday of each month at 5:30pm. The Water Board consists of 5 members and the Water Dept. has a staff comprised of 4 employees (1 office staff and 3 water operators).

Pocola Public Schools
Pocola Public School system is comprised of 3 schools an elementary, junior high, and a high school. The Pocola School system is a County entity and is not governed nor funded by the Town of Pocola. The Town will always support our schools in any way we possibly are allowed and will always volunteer where we can to help the school! We are proud to work in conjunction with our schools for the betterment of both the Town and the School system.

Contact Us
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